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Ice Guard(科幻战争)-第13部分

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It was only when Gavotski had a quiet word in his ear that he realised how hard he had been
pushing his squad; how exhausting the ice forest had been for them。 He conceded that they should
take a short rest; while they had some cover。 The Ice Warriors set themselves down on the ground;
broke out their rations and their water bags; and relaxed for the first time in a good few hours。
The break buoyed their spirits; and Mikhaelev and Grayle were soon engrossed in a conversation
about the relative merits of Lightning and Thunderbolt fighters。 Grayle was enthusing about the time
he had got his hands on the controls of one of the latter; during a short secondment to the Imperial
Gavotski; in the meantime; was reciting old war stories to an attentive Pozhar and Palinev; while
Barreski and Borscz had resumed their good…natured bickering。
“I’ll make you a deal;” said Barreski。 “When this mission is over; we will have a contest: my
flamer against your hands; and we will see which is the more deadly。”
“Then you had best hope your flamer does not jam;” said Borscz cheerfully; “or run out fuel; and
that you do not miss with your first shot; because one is all you will get。 After that; my hands will be
around your throat; and there will be no doubt about the outcome then — because my hands; I can
rely upon。”
“Oh; I never miss;” Barreski assured him; “you can count on that。”
The Validian captain had warned Steele about the lake。
He had led his company around it — but it had taken him the better part of a day to do so; and
they had run into more than one small Chaos encampment in the process。 Steele had decided that; if
it was at all possible; he would take his squad across; the lake; according to the Validian; was far
narrower than it was long。
And so it was that; after a short; uneventful trek from the forest; the Ice Warriors came to the
nearest bank of the lake and stumbled to a halt。 Steele dropped to one knee; drew a long…bladed
knife and held it so that its tip rested on the frozen surface。 He pushed it down slowly; measuring the
resistance it encountered; feeling when that resistance ended; when the knife tip had penetrated the
ice and emerged into the water beneath it。 By the time it did; he was pleased to note that the knife
was buried almost to its hilt。 The ice; he judged; was more than thick enough to support ten men。
Even so; the heavy Borscz was understandably apprehensive。 He let the others get a short way
ahead of him before he gingerly placed one foot on the ice; and then slowly; carefully eased his
great bulk onto it。 By the time he had taken four or five steps in this manner; however; he was
beginning to grow in confidence; and he soon caught up with his comrades。
The Ice Warriors had fanned out so as not to concentrate their weight in any one spot。 They
moved slowly; focusing on their feet; mindful of the likely consequences should any of them slip
and fall。 Steele kept his ear attuned to the cracking; creaking sounds of the ice under pressure;
hoping that those sounds would warn him in time if the pressure became too great。
The lake; he had been told; was a kilometre across; but it took his squad almost half an hour to
reach the halfway point。 By then; he could see the far bank; a black mass in the gathering gloom。
And it was shortly after that; when the Ice Warriors were at their most exposed; their most
vulnerable; that the first shot rang out。
“Sniper!” yelled Palinev as a section; of the ice exploded a few metres to his right。
Steele replayed the last second in his mind; and found that his bionic eye had picked up
something that he hadn’t noticed at the time: a muzzle flash; coming from the dark; rounded shape
of a hill to the north…east。 He relayed this information to the others; and tried to zoom in on the spot
in question。
His eye’s Heads…Up Display flagged up the outline of a man’s head and shoulders; and identified
the weapon he was holding: a long…las。
Fortunately; the sniper wasn’t a very good shot; at least not at this range。 Unfortunately; he
didn’t have to hit the Ice Warriors; not when he could shoot the ground out from beneath them。 Two
more beams punched through the ice; and blew up jets of water。 The Ice Warriors returned fire;
dropping into defensive crouches in the absence of cover to minimise their profiles。 Their own
lasguns; Palinev’s excepted; didn’t have the range of the long…las — even if they hit their target; it
would be with half…strength beams。 Still; they could encourage the sniper to keep his head down。
Palinev looked surprised when Steele came up behind him and snatched his long…las from his
hands。 “No offence; trooper;” he muttered; “I just think my aim might be a little better than yours。”
Gavotski saw what Steele was doing; and ordered the rest of the squad to withdraw; to keep up the
covering fire but to make for the far side of the lake as they did so — and to sacrifice caution now
for speed。
Steele was trying to focus on the sniper again when another beam hit the ice directly in front of
him; and the ensuing eruption threw him off his feet。
He landed heavily on his back and was winded; almost dropping his weapon。 The frozen surface
beneath him cracked; and for an instant Steele thought he might crash right through it。 His relief
when this didn’t happen was short…lived。 The twin impacts of las…beam and Ice Warrior had begun a
chain reaction in the ice; and he could hear the fault lines widening and spreading。
And then the rest of his squad saw it too; as great fissures began to appear around Steele; and
met to carve out little floating ice islands。
He couldn’t stand。 His weight was only supported because it was evenly distributed; and this
wouldn’t help him for much longer。 His comrades couldn’t reach him without sharing his fate; and
they had their own problems anyway。
Unable to save himself; Steele did the only thing he could to save them。
He shouldered the long…las; lifted his head; and willed his bionic eye to work for him。 He smiled
as his HUD locked onto the distant sniper; and he squeezed the trigger and felt the recoil of his
weapon driving him down; down; down…
There were some things in life; Steele thought; that it was best not to know。
He didn’t need to know the exact temperature of the freezing water into which he had been
plunged; nor the combined weight of the armoured greatcoat and the packed rucksack that were
dragging him towards the lake bed。 He would rather not have been able to hear the ice re…forming
above him; sealing him in this flooded tomb。
And yet still his augmetics insisted on seeking out such information; presenting it to him as if he
might draw some useful conclusion from it; as if he didn’t already know what the only conclusion
could be。
Any other man would have been blissfully insensate by now; his brain numbed by the cold。 Any
other man would have been at peace。 Not Steele。
His head was awhirl with numbers。 They filled it to bursting point; demanded his attention;
demanded that he must know everything; every tiny detail of his impending fate。 And; above it all;
that damned internal chrono was pounding at his temples; counting down to a new; more imminent;
deadline now…
…ticking off the few remaining seconds of Colonel Steele’s life…
Time to Destruction of Cressida: 35。14。56
Gavotski’s first impulse; as Steele fell through the ice; was to dive in after him。 Holding himself
back was the hardest thing he had ever had to do; but he could not have survived immersion in the
freezing lake。 The only thing he could do for the colonel no; and
bring honour to Steele’s name by ensuring the completion of his final mission。
After all the noise and the frenzy of the past few seconds; the silence that fell now felt unnatural;
dreadful。 It seemed that Steele’s dying shot had struck true; because the sniper fire from the hill had
ceased — but no one was thinking about that now。 The Ice Warriors were standing; gaping at the
jagged ice hole that had swallowed their leader。 A hole that was rapidly frosting over again;
resealing; until there was no trace that it; or Steele; had ever been there。
They were well…used to death; these soldiers。 They had lived in its shadow all their lives; knew it
could strike at any moment and from any quarter。 But Colonel Steele had seemed like the strongest
of them; somehow the least mortal; and his passing was a shock to them all。
“Everyone; get back!” growled Barreski — and his flamer flared; and melted a fresh hole in the
ice; making the water beneath it steam。 If Steele was somehow still conscious down there; trying to
surface; then he had another chance; a few more seconds; in which he could do so — and as unlikely
as it seemed; the Ice Warriors clung to that hope; staring; waiting; hoping…
…until; to Gavotski’s astonishment; a gloved hand broke the surface; fumbling; reaching;
flailing; finding purchase — and Colonel Stanislev Steele hauled himself up; losing strength
halfway; collapsing face down with his legs still dangling in the water。 Everyone started forward at
once; but Gavotski threw up a warning hand; and beckoned only Palinev to follow him onto the
weakened ice where the colonel lay。 They gripped Steele under his shoulders; dragged him clear of
the danger area; and brought him back to the others。 His skin had a pale blue tint。
It was Anakora who noticed that he wasn’t breathing。
Gavotski knelt by Steele’s side; blew air into his lungs and gave him chest compressions until he
jerked back to life。 Steele sat bolt upright; so suddenly that it made everyone jump; and he spat
water from his mouth。 His head turned as he surveyed the concerned faces of the comrades gathered
around him。 This close up; Gavotski could see the lenses tilting and turning in Steele’s bionic right
eye。 The left eye; Steele’s real eye; was open but dead; staring blankly。
“How is he alive?” breathed Blonsky。
“He shouldn’t be;” said Gavotski。 “His brain should have shut down in that water。 I think some
parts of it did; but… but the colonel’s brain isn’t entirely organic。”
Barreski grinned; and nudged Borscz in the ribs “You see? His augmetics; the machines in his
head; they have saved his life!”
Steele’s eyes; both of them; rolled back into their sockets。 Gavotski caught his head before it
could fall; and lowered him down gently。 “We must dry him off;” said Anakora; “and take him
someplace warm。”
“Look around you;” said Mikhaelev。 “There is no such place。” However; he joined the other Ice
Warriors in searching his rucksack; finding spare items of clothing。 In fact; as the trooper with the
closest build to Steele’s; he donated his greatcoat; swapping it for the colonel’s sodden one。
Other than that; there was little anyone could do。
“The colonel will be OK;” said Gavotski; as much to convince himself as to raise the troopers’
morale。 “He was only in the water for a couple of minutes; and I’ve seen people survive after ten
times that long。 He’ll wake up when he’s ready。”
There were voices coming from the far side of the rise。
Palinev dropped onto his stomach; scrambling the rest of the way up on his elbows。 Cautiously;
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